Another special edition, with four stories instead of the usual one.
Frew publishes every two weeks, and is the best value comic book around - for the (current) price of $2.50 you get a new Phantom tale, and for $5 you might get 3 or 4 stories in one of the special editions. The Annual Special is $11 for ten stories. Whereas most of the other comic books published (Marvel, DC, Futurama, X-men etc) are usually $6.95 each or more.

This is another special one - Rex is king of a land that borders on Bengali, the land the Phantom rules peacefully over. Well, the Phantom is not a king, but a guardian of Africa, to ensure peace and no piracy. Anyway, Rex was the Phantom's ward for some time until the Phantom found out Rex was the next in line to the throne of Baronkhan. He pops up in Phantom stories from time to time, and sees the Phantom as a father-like figure. This tale ("Prince Rex and Princess Alicia") introduces another royal to the Phantom Chronicles, Alicia, who finds a friend in Rex. Both 12 years old, it may well be that these two are matched up in later issues.....
- King Bongong
- Prince Rex & Princess Alicia
- The Crime School
- The Vault of Missing Men